Marvel Database

Appearing in "They Serve In Silence"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




  • Sea Wolf

Synopsis for "They Serve In Silence"

While the rest of the Raiders celebrate the new year, Captain Savage wallows in depression over his wife leaving him. Needing something to take his mind off of it, he takes a mission aboard the Sea Wolf, the submarine he commanded before he was assigned to lead the Raiders.

He, and the crew of the sub, are sent on a non-combat, spy mission, but come in contact with a Japanese Destroyer. Through Captain Savage's leadership, they outwit, and then sink the enemy ship.

Captain Savage realizes that the only way he seems to be able to forget his troubles, is while in command of the Sea Wolf. He debates if he should leave the Marines, and come back to the Sea Wolf full-time. (A note from the Marvel bullpen leaves this decision up to the readers)

Solicit Synopsis


  • (May) "They Serve in Silence!" Savage returns to the sea—in one of the most hair-raising submarine battle epics of all time!

See Also

Links and References

