Marvel Database


Early Life


Blake Tower was a a young lawyer, he ran for District Attorney for New York City .[1]


Blake was running against Foggy Nelson[2] But when they meet each other they both decide they like each other, even though they were political rivals.[3] Foggy loses his bid for re-election to Blake. [4] Blake took up his position as D.A.[5]

District Attorney

D.A Tower was about to unveil the new Worldwide Habitual Offender Computer to the press, they founds the door to this super-computer locked. Breaking it open, they find that Dr. Armstrong Smith, one of the developers of the computer, dead in the room. Spider-Man took it upon himself to solve the murder.[6]

Daredevil (who was a lawyer in his civilian identity as Matt Murdock), on high-profile cases. He introduced Daredevil to Uri Geller to have them take down Mind-Wave. [7][8]

He also conspired with Daredevil to take out the Jester who was taking control of the media transmissions, at one point disguising himself to stop a mob from lynching the hero[9].[10]

He also arranged for Misty Knight to go undercover and infiltrate Bushwhacker's organization. [11]

He dealt with Luke Cage and Iron Fist.[12][13]

D.A Tower cleared Spider-Man's name of any wrong doing in the deaths of Cpt. George Stacy and Norman Osborn. He told Spider-Man the good news person much to his surprise and joy. When he was met by the press, he told them that he'll have an official press conference in Central Park later.[14]

D.A Tower and Detective Kris Keating, having heard that the Fantastic Four are back together, request their assistance with the disappearances across the city.[15]

J. Jonah Jameson wnet to visit D.A Tower to demand he do more to save his son, when Blake cannot do so, Jameson decides to put out ads offering a reward for John Jameson's safe return. [16]

When J. Jonah Jameson accused Spider-Man of murder he went to Blake office to to try and stop the accusation. When Tower asked whether the accusation is true, Spider-Man replies that of course it is not. Then Tower recommended Spider-Man sue Jameson for defamation of character. But, he continues, Spider-Man will have to reveal his secret identity. Even Jameson has the right to face his accuser. This, of course, is unacceptable to Spider-Man, and he shatters Tower's desk in frustration. Tower accepts Spider-Man's apology and then tells Spider-Man that he cannot offer legal advice. Handing Spider-Man a letter addressed to him care of Tower's office, he requests that Spider-Man not use city hall as his mail box. Thanking Tower for everything, Spider-Man departs.[17] When Spider-Man and Jameson are shackled together, Blake decided that they should should be taken somewhere safe, Spidey refuses to accept letting Smythe win and escaped with Jameson.[18]

D.A Tower asked the heroes of New York to help stop General Pollock[19]

D.A Tower attend a party held by Matt Murdock.[20]

When Batroc the Leaper released Mister Hyde from Ryker's Island ; Captain America visits D.A Tower to share his suspicion that Batroc may be involved. Meanwhile, Batroc and Hyde take over A Roxxon's new supertanker. Contacting Roxxon, Hyde demandED a billion dollar ransom and Captain America as a prisoner.[21]

Colonel Eschat tried to assassinate D.A Tower. Power Man and Iron Fist managed to bust in at the last moment and rescue Tower from harm, and eventually capture him. As Eschat is being led away from the police, he vows that he will one day return.[22]


D.A Tower participated in the trial against Boomerang[24]

He was involved in the trial against Punisher. He told the court that he believed that Castle should be tried for all of his crimes as he willingly committed them. However, the defense argued that since the murder of his family Frank Castle has gone completely insane and needs to be institutionalized. Upon hearing this, Frank refused to believe that he is mad and lashes out, telling the judge that the entire system is crazy for letting criminals walk the street before collapsing in a nervous breakdown.[25]

He convinced Slyde to work with and engage his former employer for money laundering.[26]

After the murder of colleague Jean DeWolff, he prosecuted the only suspect, the Sin-Eater.[27]

He dealt with the dissolution of Heroes on Hire.[28]

He went through the procedures to bring the body of Ned Leeds back to the United States[29].

He was invited to participate in a poker game with Beast, Wonder Man, Nick Fury, Wolverine and Carol Danvers at the Avengers Mansion.[30]


Louise Mason, a former heroine, managed to get hired by Tower as a legal secretary. In that role, she convinced Tower to hire Jennifer Walters, the She-Hulk, as a lawyer. Unfortunately, She-Hulk's status as an Avenger and a superheroine made her work difficult and caused Tower some nervous problems, so they eventually discontinued their legal relationship. Mason, who had became She-Hulk's friend, left her job with Tower to work with She-Hulk.[31][32][33][34][35][36][37]

D.A Tower participated in the trial of Peter Parker[38] [39][40]

He was part of Karen Page trial for killing a police officer and Mr. Fear was trying to manipulate things so that she will go to jail.[41]

... [42]

... [43]

Louise Mason goes through Blake's files to find evidence regarding her friends murder.[44]

Winter Soldier

D.A. Blake becomes involved with the trial of the James "Bucky" Barnes who was charged by the Federal Government for his former actions as the Winter Soldier. Bernadette Rosenthal served as Bucky's attorney. [45][46][47]


Power Grid[48]
:Category:Power Grid/Fighting Skills/Normal:Category:Power Grid/Energy Projection/None:Category:Power Grid/Durability/Normal:Category:Power Grid/Speed/Normal:Category:Power Grid/Strength/Normal:Category:Power Grid/Intelligence/Learned

See Also

Links and References

