Marvel Database

Quote1 Hi. I'm Eddie Brock. Can Peter come out and play? Quote2

Appearing in "The Sand and the Fury"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




  • None

Synopsis for "The Sand and the Fury"

Eddie Brock shows up at May's house, threatening her with the symbiote behind her back, so that only Peter sees. Eddie and Peter take a walk with Eddie explaining he won't engage in a fight that may hurt an innocent. He challenges Peter to a fight at Seacrest, a Long Island estate deserted in the winter. Spidey goes to the FF for help. The Thing promises to assist. When Peter returns home, he finds Eddie folding clothes with May. Eddie tells him to appear without the FF or nasty things will happen to his loved ones. Spidey visits psychiatrist Charles Jefferson who tells him the symbiote shows signs of a love-hate relationship, that is anchored in love. At Seacrest, Venom pummels Spidey who tries unsuccessfully to fight him with fire and plant a spider-tracer on him. Following Jefferson's advice, Spidey removes his costume and offers himself to the symbiote. It leaves Brock and flows over him. However, the shock of trying to break its bond with Eddie knocks the symbiote and Brock out. Peter contacts the Thing to take Venom away.


  • This issue is reprinted in comics and books, see references for more info.[1]

See Also

Links and References


  1. This issue is reprinted in the following comics/TPB's: