Marvel Database

Appearing in "Faster than the eye!"

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  • None

Synopsis for "Faster than the eye!"

After stopping a fur jackets robbery, Spider-Man goes to the Daily Bugle to sell the photographs he just shot in the robbery scene and he is alerted by his Spider-sense near Willoughby's, the World's Largest Camera Store. Speed Demon is stealing cameras and Spider-man tries to stop him unsuccessfully due to Speed Demon's too fast. Even worse, after arriving to the Bugle Robbie shows him a photograph of Spidey's defeat and humiliation in the store shot by Lance Bannon. In his den, Speed Demon explains his origin and his decision to change his name from Whizzer to Speed Demon after increasing his powers using science. He is decided to start a robbery career. Trying to stop Speed Demon in fraganti, Peter Parker visits Bloomingdale's and sets up several web tramps. Speed demon makes his appearance and Spider-Man confronts him and leads Speed demon to his tramps, where he gets trapped. Peter's camera shoots the scene and Peter sells the photo to J.J.J.

See Also

Links and References

