Marvel Database

Appearing in "Black Fang's Revenge!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Kiowa




Synopsis for "Black Fang's Revenge!"

Kid Colt is out with a band of Native Americans led by his friend Kiowa on a buffalo hunt. After Kid Colt hunts his limit, he gives it to the tribe as a gift to Kiowa much to the chagrin of Black Fang, who envies Kiowa. After Kid Colt parts company with them, Black Fang begins to plot against Kiowa and prove he is the superior warrior, but also to profit from all the buffalo furs that the have gotten from the hunt.

Suddenly, a gang of outlaws rush the Native Americans and attack, injuring Kiowa and the other warriors, but not Black Fang -- as they are working together. Hearing the shots, Kid Colt rushes to the sound of the gunfire and finds Kiowa injured. Black Fang then accuses Kid Colt and his "white brothers". Before Black Fang can attack, Kiowa stops him but agrees with his position, telling Kid Colt that they he no longer considers him a brother and asks him to leave. As Kid Colt rides away, Black Fang rests Kiowa next to a tree, telling him that he is going to the village. Instead he pays a visit to the outlaws that were involved in the attack. Black Fang is angry that they did not kill Kiowa in exchange for the furs that they hunted.

As they are argue over the deal Kid Colt suddenly gets the drop on them and begins shooting the guns out of their hands. The leader of the outlaws shoots Black Fang dead and try to fight back when suddenly Kiowa and his men come out of the forest and overpower the outlaws. In the aftermath, Kiowa tells Kid Colt that he only pretended to end their friendship as he suspected treachery from Black Fang when he turned out to be the only warrior who was not injured by the outlaws attack.

Appearing in "The Traveling Show"

  • Appearances not yet listed

Synopsis for "The Traveling Show"

  • Synopsis not yet written

Appearing in "Perilous Journey!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Marshal Brandon impostor

Other Characters:




Synopsis for "Perilous Journey!"

Billy Buckskin is in town with his pal Soapy when he is challenged to a fight by a man named Dillon, a rival trapper who seeks to put the younger Billy in his place. However Dillon is easily defeated and realizes that Billy's reputation is not all bluster. Billy and Soapy are then confronted by US Marshal James Brandon who asks for Billy and Soapy to take him through the quickest route to Point Barrows.

Billy and Soapy take him on the job and as they go through the land they protect Brandon from a mountain lion, an attack by Native Americans, a raging river and muddy storms. When they arrive at the outskirts of Point Barrows, James tells them that he can go the rest of the way to the fort. This is when Billy suddenly insists that he is going, as their prisoner, explaining to Soapy that the man is an impostor as he met Marshal James Brandon the year previous. When the impostor tries to get away, Billy knocks him out with a punch to the face. The pair then take the outlaw to the fort to be locked up in jail.

Appearing in "The Tough Hombre!"

  • Appearances not yet listed

Synopsis for "The Tough Hombre!"

Western tale.

Appearing in "The Cur!"

Featured Characters:

Synopsis for "The Cur!"

Western tale about a dog and Wyatt Earp.

Appearing in "The Last Survivor!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Humber

Other Characters:




Synopsis for "The Last Survivor!"

The Ringo Kid is being chased by a gang of outlaws and finds himself at a dead end at the edge of a cliff. With no other choice, Ringo gets off his horse Arab and tells him to go free and dives off the cliff into the river before, not expecting to survive. Arab however, ever the faithful horse, dives off after his master. Surviving the plunge, the Ringo Kid and Arab swim to shore but are still captured by the sheriff of Salt Lick and taken prisoner anyway.

However, the trouble is far from over, a local cardsharp named Humber who comes barging in demanding to speak with the Ringo Kid. With no other choice the sheriff lets them see the Ringo Kid. Before the Kid, Humber tells the Kid that his days are numbered and that he is going to eliminate the Kid in order to get a crack of claiming his father's land.

Leaving the Kid, Humber demands to pay his bail but the sheriff refuses. Humber storms out angrily, telling the sheriff that he will come back and take the Ringo Kid by force. With time running out the sheriff sends his deputy out of the office. When Humber returns to take the Ringo Kid by force, the deputy is prying open the bars on the window of the Kid's cell helping him escape and arming him with guns.

The Kid then loops around and attacks the outlaws from behind, easily getting the drop on them and helping the sheriff round them up. In thanks for his help, the Ringo Kid is allowed to go free.

See Also

Links and References

