Marvel Database

About Me[]

I get to be a superhero (HAHA). I love Marvel comics and superheroes. My favorites are Doctor Strange (my all time, #1 favorite), Thor, Iron Man, Daredevil, Captain America and Colossus. I had fun with this profile page but I really hope to help out with the Marvel Wiki.


Powers and Abilities


Magic: As the Sorcerer Supreme of Earth's Universe; he has unparalleled mastery of the mystic arts, which he uses to defend his reality from otherworldly threats. By manipulating the ambient mystical energy of this universe, he can perform a great many functions. B's magic is drawn from the Earth itself and he often draws on the power of Chthonic beings. This is mainly seen with B's expertise in the dark art of Necromancy and his vast use of plant-based potions.

Necromancy: The power to summon and manipulate the dead or undead creatures (i.e. ghosts, vampires, zombies, etc.)

Alchemy: The power to change basic metals into gold or other precious metals. Also possesses a vast knowledge of chemistry and knowledge of the recipe for an "Elixir of Life" as well as the "Philosopher's Stone".

Mystic Bolts Magical bolts of energy fired at opponents

Banishment: B has banish many types of creatures and humans to other dimension but the extent of this is only possible as long as the 'Banish-ers' magic is greater than that of the 'Banish-ees' magic during the banishment; Most often calls on the power of "The Furies" to banish other beings.

Protective Barriers - Can conjure force fields and magical barriers, the most powerful being the "Shield of the Chthonios"

Mediumship The ability to communicate with and summon the spirits of the dead

Elemental Manipulation: Power over the basic elements of air, earth fire and water. Also included is the element of death or spirit.

Divine Sources: B can channel the virtually unlimited extra-dimensional energy of near-omnipotent mystical and non-mystical beings in multiple dimensions to endow his spells.

Earthly Force of the Chthonic Beings: By sheer force of will "take" the power of another entity. This does not require the use of a spell. Although B primarily uses spells that are considered 'black magic', he will use spells from other disciplines such as white magic, elemental magic, and catastrophe magic when necessary.


As a result of his mystic training, B is capable of a great many abilities, stemming from the innate resources of his body/mind/soul, such as:

Astral Projection: In his astral form, B does not need to breathe, eat, drink or sleep, is unrestricted by physical laws, is invisible (though can be seen by any if he wished it so), intangible, and incapable of being harmed by all but the most powerful and rigorous of mystic means.

Universal Awareness: By performing mediation B has sensed anomalies in time and space allowing him to protect against time travelers, extra dimensional invaders

Scrying The ability to use a pool of water, blood, sand or another medium to see past, present or future events


Expert Occultist/Expert Magical Knowledge: During his studies which continued until recently B has gain expert awareness on occult and the extra dimensional entities they worship

Expert Strategist: B possesses considerable strategic skills, which makes B a most formidable being indeed.

Expert Herbalist and vast botanical knowledge: B has a vast knowledge of botany, plant physiology and herbology. Many of his potions are plant based.

Strength level

Normal human male



Normally wears the Eye of Osiris, and the Orb of Osiris. He possesses a wide array of arcane texts, artifacts, and relics.

B's own power is often amplified by the numerous magical artifacts that are in his possession or by artifacts that he uses in the course of his adventures. The artifact he carries with him at all times is the Eye of Osiris.

The Eye of Osiris (which resides within the Amulet of Osiris) is a powerful and valued artifact that has many functions. Using the Eye, B can see through any lie, deception or illusion, send the eye out at light speed to intercept and absorb massive amounts of any type of energy and free others who are trapped in their own illusions. It is often used to amplify his mind's eye, giving psychic abilities that rival the most powerful of telepaths. It is also often used to play back an area's past events, lift beings weighing thousands of pounds into the air telekinetically, and open dimensional portals, as well as placing beings in suspended animation. The Eye can track beings by their psychic or magical emissions. The light given off by the Eye also weakens a variety of evil mystical beings, such as demons, devils, undead beings, dark extradimensional entities, and even sufficiently corrupt human practitioners of dark magic. When used offensively, no being can withstand its light for long; due to its lethal effect, it is often used as a weapon of last resort. The Eye appears to be dimensionally linked to the Orb of Osiris, and is presented to the current Sorcerer or Sorceress Supreme to aid them in their great duties. The amulet can only be used by a being with a pure heart and a clean soul.

The Orb of Osiris , a large crystal ball which he uses daily to monitor the surrounding dimensions and his own world for trouble

The Wand of Thanatos, which amplifies his power and absorbs mystical energy that can be utilized for a variety of effects, such as reopening dimensional portals and firing mystic bolts; near-omnipotent power-item that can be divided into two separate, though powerless, parts, and can restructure reality itself when combined with other mystical objects

The Book of the Dead which contains various spells, recipes for potions and incantations regarding how to control and summon undead beings

He owns countless other artifacts he can bring out in times of need. Among them include:

  • The Hands of the Dead
  • The Philosopher’s Stone
  • The Book of Veles
  • The Brazier of Khi’Akka Ibnu
  • The Palette of the Scorpion King
  • The Serum of the Archangels
  • The Scrolls of Thanatos
  • The Ring of the Ancient One
  • The Crystal of Hel
  • The Ankh of Anubis
  • The Oculus Sanguis
  • The Seal of Solomon
  • The Hand of Vishnu
  • The Feather of Quetzalcoatl
  • Yama’s Ropes
  • The Iris of the All-Seeing Oracle
  • The Oracle of Apollo
  • The Orb of Plutus
  • Baron Samedi's Elixir
  • The Epoch Scrolls
  • The Sword of the Ultimate Darkness
  • The Star of Mugliax
  • The Red Gem
  • The Staff of Merlin
  • The Talisman of Tlazolteotl
  • The Wands of the Morrigan
  • Enchanted rune stones

Links and References[]
