Marvel Database


The past history of Thor on Earth-804 mirrors that of his Earth-616 counterpart until the events of the Kree-Skrull War. In this reality, Rick Jones would be slain by Ronan the Accuser. At that time Iron Man would be fighting alongside his fellow Avengers aboard a Skrull warship.

While Captain America and Vision would go off to the Skrull Throneworld to rescue their friends Captain Marvel, Scarlet Witch, and Quicksilver; Iron Man and Thor would stay behind and attempt to cripple the Skrull invasion fleet. Iron Man would be seriously injured in the battle, prompting Thor to rush him to Asgard where it his peoples healers could heal Iron Man.

Thor would convince his father Odin to get the Asgardians involved in the war. Thor would lead the Warriors Three, Balder and Sif into battle against the remaining Skrull warships, easily trouncing them in battle until the conflict ended. Thor would return to Earth where he would reunite with his fellow Avengers and mourn the loss of their friend Rick Jones.

See Also

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