Marvel Database


Technovore is a hi-tech biomechatornic/organic artificial virulent created by Ezekiel Stane. It was created through a combination of biotechnology and nanotech. A veritable techno-organic creature, every cell of which is created via molecular assembler. It is linked directly into Zeke's nervous system, allowing him to control it through thought alone.

Zeke used it to incredible effect against Tony Stark and his allies.

Later, Technovore would soon gain sentience and mutated its creator's body, taking control and pursuing its own goal of worldwide destruction. However, through the combined efforts of Iron Man, War Machine, and Pepper Potts, Technovore was destroyed.[1]


A volatile entity with a hidden agenda. Technovore proved to be as ravenous as it was cunning and tactile, able to lie in wait whilst letting Ezekiel remain in the drivers seat up until the right moment presented itself. When assuming control Technovore would, at first, show incredibly hostile and ravenous behavior not to dissimilar from a T-Rex on the prowl for weaker specimens. Showing a feral intelligence which belied some cunning found in typical apex predators.[1] As it continued to evolve however, the virus soon took on portions of it's creators consciousness and mania. Using the Howard satellite to act as a catalyst for providing its own genocidal ends using it's natural technological interfacing abilities. All whole reciting a mantra of development and evolution in the voice of its own maker whom it'd fused with.



Metal Morphing: The main means for the Technovores to spread and infect as well as consume was through the acclimation of metallic and/or computerized elements. Able to spread it's sifting micro-tech along any sort of alloyed surface like a conductor to travel up and down any kind of mechanized or automated system it could get it's feelers into.[1]

  • Metal Absorbing Growth
  • Shapeshifting

Interface Manipulation: As a living thinking virus. Technovore could reach into and assimilate with any kind of cybernetic to digital system in order for Stane to hack into it. Giving both him and his creation near total access to all of it's primary functions.[1]

  • Computer Interaction

Bio-Fission: Being a self replicating nanotechnological pathogen Ezekiel/Technovore could continually duplicate and divest itself en masse. Offering remote control and manipulation of all it's caste offs as distanced feelers/interfacing modules to which the user could better operate and interact with other pieces of equipment via it's natural infection capacity.[1]

  • Explosion Inducement
  • Infection


See Also

Links and References

