Marvel Database

Appearing in "War in Space! / Chapter 2: Return to the Stars! / Chapter 3: Trapped -- 1,000,000 Miles from Earth!!"

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Synopsis for "War in Space! / Chapter 2: Return to the Stars! / Chapter 3: Trapped -- 1,000,000 Miles from Earth!!"

Continued from last issue... With Nova under his control the Condor hopes to use him to gain access to Nova's ship. After briefly quelling Nova's desire to lead the gang, Condor explains the origins of the Sphinx and his intentions of usurping his criminal enterprises. The Condor then has Nova aid him in raiding an Air Force warehouse to gain the last component that the Condor needs to transport them all to Nova's ship.

Succeeding and transporting themselves outside Nova's ship, Nova grants them access. The Sphinx watches over as the Condor, Nova, Diamondhead and Powerhouse have to deal with the ship's defenses. During the fight, Nova shakes off Condor's control over him and tries to stop the three villains from stealing Centurian technology, but fails. To make matters worse, the ship is activated and sends Nova hurtling through space.

This story is continued next issue...

See Also

Links and References

