Marvel Database
Nick Lewis Sr. (Earth-616) from Gwen Stacy Vol 1 2 001
In the Marvel Universe, the title of Crime-Master has been held by several men, the first being Nicholas "Lucky" Lewis, Sr., who, after allying with the Green Goblin, was shot dead by a police officer.
  • Nicholas Lewis, Jr, The son of the original Crime Master who sought revenge on Spider-Man, he also entered into a rival alliance with the new Big Man, who ironically turned out to be his mistress Janice Foswell , after he mistakenly killed his lover, he surrendered to the police.
  • Bennett Brant, was resurrected by the cult of the Crime-Master and appointed as the new wearer of the mantle. He successfully develops a criminal empire, but was shot by his own sister.
  • Unnamed Man bought the deceased Crime Master's equipment from the Hobgoblin, he ran a small empire until he was killed by the Kingpin's enemies.
  • Fifth Crime-Master, became new to the criminal world, and briefly allied with Madame Masque.


Alternate Realities

