Marvel Database

Appearing in "The Ghost of Bull Run!"

Reprint of the 3rd story from
Rawhide Kid #10

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Kelsey gang
  • Stud Gantry
  • Shuck Butler

Other Characters:




Synopsis for "The Ghost of Bull Run!"

Reprint of the 3rd story from
Rawhide Kid #10

The sheriff rushes to the home owned by the Rawhide Kid and tells the Kid and his ward Randy Clayton that someone has broken the the Kelsey gang. They return to Shotgun City too late to stop the outlaws from escaping but the Kid much to the annoyance of the locals. However, the Rawhide Kid finds tracks that they can trail but soon the trail runs cold forcing them to return town to learn that a gambling syndicate has set up in town while they were gone, angering the locals even further.

At the old Dorado Casino, a gambler named Stud Gantry prepares to set up his operation in the hopes of swindling locals out of money. The Kid and the sheriff then confront the Stud and his men and order them out, however they only agree to leave if the sheriff can show them where in the law books that state that a gambling hall cannot be set up in the and they will leave. However when they go to the town records they are shocked to find that someone has stolen all the law books. However, the sheriff assures Stud that he will replace the law books before he can set up a single gambling table in his town. After Stud leaves, the Rawhide Kid comes up with a plan to deal with the situation.

The following morning the local newspaper publishes a story stating that the sheriff is appealing for government aid, leaving town to use the telegraph in Payote. On the way to Payote, the sheriff runs into Shuck Butler a Confederate deserter during the Civil War, who was responsible for breaking out the Kelsey gang. Butler is looking to get even with the sheriff as he was responsible for his capture and subsequent court-martial during the war. The gang reveals how after their escape they were going to work with Gantry and share the loot and stole the law books. Suddenly, the Rawhide Kid jumps Butler and a fight breaks out when a posse from Shotgun City lowers their traps. With the gang subdued, they take them into custody and shut down Stud's gambling hall, converting it into a dance hall for the locals.

Appearing in "Kid Colt Outlaw"

Reprint of the 5th story from
Kid Colt Outlaw #47

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Hoaks gang

Other Characters:




Synopsis for "Kid Colt Outlaw"

Reprint of the 5th story from
Kid Colt Outlaw #47

Riding through a flash flood in a storm, Kid Colt rescues a young girl named Miss Miller who was swept out of her hometown of Mayville when it flooded. Taking her to cover they wait out the storm and the flood and the following morning return to Mayville. There, Kid Colt finds Hoaks and his gang trying to look the town and sends them packing. He then meets Doctor Miller, and reunites him with her daughter. Suddenly one of the locals rides in and tells the others that raiders are looting people in the valley and Kid Colt tells them that he is going to go out and confront them, gathering a posse to help him.

Cornering Hoaks and his gang in a house, Kid Colt rushes at it with guns blazing, wiping out the entire gang by himself. Kid Colt then returns to Mayville where he helps the locals rebuild their flood ravaged town before once more heading off on the range on his own.

Appearing in "The Lost Mine!"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Rawhide Kid #7

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Fargo gang

Other Characters:




Synopsis for "The Lost Mine!"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Rawhide Kid #7

The Rawhide Kid is spying on the Fargo gang through a skylight in a abandoned building but can't make out what they are saying. Getting closer to the skylight causes a piece of broken glass to fall down, alerting them to his presence. The Kid smashes through the skylight. While he manages to shoot the guns out of the outlaws hands, they manage to knock him out and leave the Rawhide Kid tied up.

Meanwhile back at the Kid's home, his ward Randy Clayton and his friend Tad decide to go on a treasure hunt and leave a note for the Rawhide Kid telling them that they went down to the Panner's Creek. There they find no trace of gold so they decide to go looking in the old mine nearby. There they run into Fargo and his men who take the boys prisoner so they do not expose their secret hideout.

Breaking free from his bonds the Rawhide Kid returns home and finds Randy's note. Not liking the boy out while there are outlaws on the loose, the Rawhide Kid goes looking for Randy. He finds them inside the mine shaft and manages to get the drop on the outlaws, taking them prisoner and freeing Randy and Tad.

Appearing in "Gold Strike!"

Reprint of the 6th story from
Rawhide Kid #7

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Toady Gregg

Other Characters:




Synopsis for "Gold Strike!"

Reprint of the 6th story from
Rawhide Kid #7

While riding into town the Rawhide Kid is told by some of Randy's friends that his ward is sick at the doctors. The Kid goes to the doctor and learns that young mister Clayton is sick from eating too much candy. When asking Randy how he got so much candy, Randy reveals that he struck gold and used some of it to buy the candy. Just as Randy is telling the Kid that he found the gold at Snake Creek, the Kid realizes that someone is spying at the window. The Kid tries to stop them but they manage to get away.

With Randy feeling better, the Rawhide Kid and the boy head out to get to the gold before someone else can take Randy's claim. Along the way they cross paths with one of Toady Gregg's men and the Kid ambushes him and leaves him tied to a rock. Eventually they get to the location where Randy found the gold. Here the Kid sees that the gold isn't in the ground, but discarded all over the area. As they are gathering up the gold, Toady and his men arrive with their guns out.

Toady explains that the gold comes from a Pony Express that they attempted to rob, but the rider dumped the gold in the forest to prevent them from stealing it. The Kid rushes at Toady and his men and quickly subdues them. They are turned over to the authorities and the gold is returned. When the owner of the gold offers Randy a reward, the Rawhide Kid says that the boy already got his reward when he spent some of the gold on candy.

Appearing in "Kid Colt Outlaw"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Kid Colt Outlaw #47

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Rocky
  • Spade

Other Characters:




Synopsis for "Kid Colt Outlaw"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Kid Colt Outlaw #47

At a gambling house, Kid Colt has come to pull Bob Fletcher out of a scrap with Spade a local gambler and his men, fighting Spade's goons and helping Bob escape. Returning to the home that Bob shares with his sister Sally, both Kid Colt and Sally demand to know why Bob got into a fight. He explains that he was gambling with Spade and after losing money he lost his temper and called Spade a cheat and started a fight. Both the Kid and Sally scold him for acting so rashly. When Kid Colt leaves, Bob's sister tells him that she fears that Bob's quick temper will land him in trouble some day.

Meanwhile in town, in a rival gambling house, its owner Rocky meets with his goons and decides to use the feud between Bob Fletcher and Spade to eliminate Spade and corner the gambling market in town. He sends one of his men to rile up Bob, telling him that Spade called him a coward. Angered, Bob arms himself and rides into town to confront Spade. Kid Colt arrives at the Fletcher home and learns from Sally that Bob had run off to confront Spade and follows after him.

At Spade's gambling house, Bob confronts Spade but Spade is shot dead. Bob is shocked since he wasn't the one who fired his gun, but Rocky's men enter the saloon and accuse Bob of killing Spade in cold blood. Kid Colt arrives soon after and reveals that Sally, fearing that Bob would do something rash, had taken the bullets out of his gun and exposes Rocky's killers as the real shooters. When Rocky tries to draw on Kid Colt, the outlaw hero shoots him dead. Taking Bob back to his ranch, Bob tells Kid Colt that he learned his lesson and is going to swear off gambling and focus on his ranch before Kid Colt departs wishing them luck with the future.

Appearing in "The Monster of Hidden Valley!"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Two-Gun Kid #58

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Morgan Yancy

Other Characters:


  • Hidden Valley

Synopsis for "The Monster of Hidden Valley!"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Two-Gun Kid #58

The Two-Gun Kid is summoned to the town of Hidden Valley by his friend Dan Carter. When he asks for Carter to another local the man named Morgan Yancy attacks the Kid, telling him he doesn't wish to hear Carter's name. When the Kid tries to defend himself one of Yancy's minions shoots the hat off the Kid's head and asks his boss if he wants to deal with the Kid. Yancy tells his minion to stand down, and warns the Kid not to cause trouble because he runs the town. Suddenly, a local comes rushing into town telling them that the "monster" has been spotted up in the hills. The locals mount up and ride out to deal with the apparent monster, leaving the Two-Gun Kid confused as to what they could be talking about.

He meets up with his friend Dan Carter and learns that he has called for the Two-Gun Kid that someone has been stealing his cattle, and while he suspects that Morgan Yancy is responsible but has no proof. When the Kid asks him about the monster, Dan tells the Kid that the creature appeared in the outskirts of town about a month ago and had been terrorizing the locals until they built a fence around the forest where the creature lives. Suspecting that the monster has something to do with the stolen cattle and the stolen herds might be hidden near it the Kid decides to ride up and investigate the fence. There he is confronted by Yancy and the towns people, Yancy then accuses the Kid of trying to set the monster free. Suddenly the monster kicks a hole in the fence and the Kid decides to go in for a closer look to see if the monster is real or not. The Two-Gun Kid is in for the shock of his life when he looks into the hole and sees that there is indeed a monster on the other side.

While his guard is down, the Two-Gun Kid is ambushed by Morgan Yancy who draws his gun and orders the Kid to climb over the fence to face the monster alone. The Kid is faster than Yancy and manages to knock the gun out of his hand. While the two struggle with each other the monster begins ramming the fence. The Kid meanwhile subdues Yancy and demands he confesses to stealing the cattle, but Yancy continues to deny the accusations. Just then the sheriff arrives on the scene and tries to get the people to fix the fence, but the Kid stops the lawman, telling him he will deal with the problem once and for all. The Kid climbs through the hole in the fence and face off against the monster. As the creature approaches, he whistles to his horse Cyclone who comes crashing through the fence to help his master. The Kid then charges at the beast intending to rope it up with his lasso.

Tense moments later, the Two-Gun Kid emerges from behind the fence telling the locals he has something to show them. Bringing them all in he reveals the monster is nothing more than a hoax: A freakishly large buffalo that had a stitched costume placed over it and reveals that Ben's stolen cattle were hidden in the area. When the Kid accuses Morgan Yancy of masterminding the plot, Yancy cracks and draws his gun to try and shoot the Kid, but Two-Gun proves faster at the draw, shooting Yancy in the arm and forcing him to surrender. In the aftermath of the battle, the Two-Gun Kid is thanked by Ben for helping recover his stolen herd and the gunslinging hero rides off into the sunset once more with a song on his lips.


  • Two-Gun Kid Clay Harder was redrawn here as "Matt Hawk" despite the total incoherence. Later accounts stablish that in Earth 616 exists duplicated accounts of both Harder and Hawk adventures (possibly because of dime novel neglect) and that the Clay Harder account has more validity. This particular story was discussed in-universe, as a "retelling" of the Harder tale.[1]
  • By the same way, The Original Rawhide Kid had his hair recoloured to try to pass him as Jonathan Clay, despite the total incoherence with the story of both characters. Rawhide Kid handbook entries establishes that the both Rawhides existed in Earth-616 and were different people.

See Also

Links and References

