Marvel Database

Quote1 There'll be no more monsters made here! Quote2
Iron Man

Appearing in "Midnight on Murder Mountain!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Carrie
  • Keith
  • Zero (First appearance)



Synopsis for "Midnight on Murder Mountain!"

On his way to Stark International, Iron Man rescues Keith, Carrie and Zero when a tree, struck by lightning, lands on their van. He calls Pepper to delay his meeting and rents a car as Tony Stark to drive the couple to a motel. All are full except for the Murder Mountain Lodge. Stark foots the bill for the night, but he's awakened by screams and investigates as Iron Man. The lodge manager is actually mad scientist Professor Kurarkill, her strongman assistant is Quasar the Future Man, a mutated ape. Iron Man fights Quasar and loses, waking up in a stasis field with Keith and Carrie. Zero disrupts the stasis field, freeing Iron Man, who defeats Quasar while Zero chews on some wiring. Kurarkill releases her neo-apes to attack but the faulty wiring opens the control booth, and they kill the professor. After Iron Man corrals the neo-apes, Keith and Carrie wonder how Zero knew what to do, as if she were intentionally trying to kill Kurarkill. Zero meows with enthusiasm.


  • This is another fill-in issue which does not continue Iron Man's participation with "The War of the Super-Villians" or his apparent conflict with the Black Lama. The continuation of these storylines occur next issue.

See Also

Links and References

