Marvel Database


The In-Betweener is a cosmic entity who exists as the synthesis of the major concepts of the universe: life and death, reality and illusion, good and evil, logic and emotion, existence and nothingness, god and man. Fifteen feet in stature, the In-Betweener is an agent of
File:In-Betweener (Earth-616) 0001.gif
Lord Chaos and Master Order, two of the universe's principal abstract beings, whose appointed task is to maintain the universal balance. Simultaneously existing and not-existing, present everywhere and present nowhere, the In-Betweener first came to human attention when it abducted the golden humanoid Adam Warlock to its quasi-realm, and attempted to transform him into a champion of life to help restore the balance upset by Thanos of Titan. The experience drove Warlock insane, creating the entity known as Magus[1]. The In-Betweener was later encountered by Earth's sorcerer supreme, Doctor Strange, when it empowered the spells of a renegade band of wizards calling themselves the Creators. Strange opposed the In-Betweener and its plan to restore balance by creating universal insanity, and calling upon its masters, Order and Chaos, Strange managed to halt the In-Betweener's machinations. While possessing sufficient power to alter reality on a cosmic scale, the In-Betweener is not all knowing or infallible. Indeed, within the parameters of the In-Betweener's existence are both power and weakness, knowledge and ignorance.


Power Grid[2]
:Category:Power Grid/Fighting Skills/Normal:Category:Power Grid/Energy Projection/Virtually Unlimited:Category:Power Grid/Durability/Virtually Indestructible:Category:Power Grid/Speed/Warp:Category:Power Grid/Strength/Incalculable:Category:Power Grid/Intelligence/Super-Genius


The In-Betweener possesses sufficient power to alter reality on a cosmic scale. However, the In-Betweener is not all-knowing or infallible. Indeed, within the parameters of the In-Betweener's existence are both power and weakness, knowledge and ignorance.

Template:New Power Grid


  • Chaos is represented by a black being, while Order is represented by a white being.

See Also

Links and References

