Marvel Database


The man who would become the Grappler was born in a ghetto. Having no resources of his own, he survived as a petty thief and wrestler. He was impressed by casino owner and billionaire Hugh Howards. He went to meet him, eager to ask him for the secret of his success. However, Howard was not interested in this beggar and had his bodyguards throw him away. In the process, he only heard one word, "leverage", the only thing he would obtain from this meeting. He became obsessed with the concept of leverage and became an expert on it. He began by applying it in martial arts, obtaining interesting profits, and then he also applied the concept in physics. Later, he used the "leverage" in finances and the stock market, and he became a millionaire himself. Still unsatisfied, he decided to become a costumed criminal, the Grappler, and use the leverage to steal a gold shipment. He was opposed by She-Hulk. Although he tried to bribe her, she nevertheless defeated the Grappler and sent him to jail.[1]

Probably escaping from jail, the Grappler was next seen attacking a courtroom: He wanted to steal records to obtain "leverage" over other people. He met sheriff Morris Walters (the father of the She-Hulk) and immobilized him. She-Hulk fought him again, even as he was using Walters as a hostage. The Grappler tried throwing a statue over Walters, distracting She-Hulk as she was forced to save Walters. The Grappler tried to escape while she was busy. However, She-Hulk intercepted him using a shockwave. The Grappler was then returned to prison.[2]

Somehow, the Grappler was free again, either by escaping or through legal means. He was then contacted by Gary Gilbert, a former costumed criminal called Firebrand turned business agent for criminals. Gilbert was worried about the Scourge of the Underworld, a masked figure who was killing customed criminals such as Gilbert and the Grappler. Gilbert organized a meeting in the Bar with No Name in Medina County, Ohio, to discuss potential counter-attacks. As the Scourge was known to use weapons instead of powers, weapons were to be left at the door. However, the Scourge infiltrated in the meeting disguised as the bartender and shot down all the seventeen criminals (including the Grappler) wielding a cut-down .50 submachine gun in each hand.[3]



Training in wrestling, boxing and martial arts. Knowledge of finances



A computer to analyze his environment to provide him information about the amount of leverage required to lever anything.


A tensile rod he used to fire steel coils to entangle an enemy or to be towed. He also used the rod as a fighting baton.


A radio-controlled, one-man aircraft

See Also

Links and References

