Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Wolverine (Logan) (Earth-92131).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 All right, you egg-suckin' piece of gutter trash! You always did like pushin' around people smaller than you! Well I'M smaller! Try pushin' me! Quote2
Wolverine (Logan) (Earth-92131)
Quote1 With a mouth like yours, we should have just tried to sneak in here with a marching band. Quote2
X-Men: The Animated Series Season 3 5
Quote1 My true nature? I wish I knew what that was... Quote2
X-Men: The Animated Series Season 4 13
Quote1 Who do they think they're dealing with? Winnie the Pooh? Quote2
X-Men: The Animated Series Season 5 3
Wolverine (Logan) (Earth-92131) from X-Men The Animated Series Season 1 2 0001
Quote1 That's no way to treat a lady pal! Quote2
Peter Parker (Earth-92131) from Spider-Man (1994 animated series) Season 5 13 001
Quote1 (Mutated Landon throws Wolverine aside) You sure showed him. Quote2
Wolverine (Logan) (Earth-92131) from X-Men The Animated Series Season 1 2 0001
Quote1 Shut up ya puny little geek! Quote2
Spider-Man (1994 animated series) Season 2 5

All items (6)
