Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Tandy Bowen (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 Oh, Cloak -- what if that policewoman was right?! What kind of monsters have we become?!! Quote2
Cloak and Dagger Vol 1 1
Quote1 But if we set ourselves up as their judge, jury and executioner -- we become no better than the criminals we punish! Quote2
Cloak and Dagger Vol 1 3
Quote1 You know what's wrong with this ocean? Too darned much water! Gee, wish I could stop talking -- you know any knock-knock jokes? Quote2
Strange Tales Vol 2 12
Quote1 You look even worse than before, and smaller. Quote2
Cloak and Dagger Vol 3 17
Quote1 We're gonna be a team now? [...] So what do we call ourselves? Quote2
Marvel Knights Vol 1 6
Quote1 Oh, Tyrone. You have to forgive or you'll destroy yourself. Quote2
Marvel Knights Vol 1 7
Quote1 Search your heart, Tyrone. Look way inside and see that this is wrong. Please... Quote2
Marvel Knights Vol 1 8
Quote1 The church might be broken, the walls could fall in any minute. But the vows, Ty. The vows still stand. Quote2
Cloak and Dagger Vol 4 1
Quote1 Ty, I'm confused. This isn't right. Something's not right. Quote2
Cloak and Dagger Vol 5 3
Quote1 Beat up the bad guy and light the way home? Nnngg. The Hell kind of rescue is this? Quote2
Cloak and Dagger Vol 5 4
Quote1 God, I missed this -- Cloak and Dagger, together again. Quote2
Cloak and Dagger: Negative Exposure - Marvel Digital Original Vol 1 1
Quote1 For a split second I'm not thinking about saving the world. All I care about is taking Ty's pain away. I want to kiss it and make it better. Quote2
Cloak and Dagger: Negative Exposure - Marvel Digital Original Vol 1 3
Quote1 We're gonna be a team now...? So what do we call ourselves? Quote2
Tandy Bowen (Earth-616)
Black WidowQuote1 Does Tyrone have a family? Quote2
DaggerQuote1 He never knew hid dad. His mom's an addict. He's been in and out of foster homes. Quote2
Black WidowQuote1 And what about your family, Tandy? Quote2
DaggerQuote1 That's an old story, nothing special. Let's just say I'm never going home. Quote2
Black WidowQuote1 As far as I'm concerned... you are home. Quote2
Marvel Knights Vol 1 10
Black WidowQuote1 No L.M.D. can hide from her. Is anyone in this room an L.M.D., Dagger? Quote2
DaggerQuote1 Well, actually......they all are. Quote2
Marvel Knights Vol 1 14
Marvel Fanfare Vol 1 19 Back
Quote1 When you change clothes. Quote2
Tandy Bowen (Earth-616) from Marvel Fanfare Vol 1 19 001
Quote1 While I was inside your cloak, duh. Quote2
Marvel Fanfare Vol 1 19 Back
Quote1 With Hawkeye and Wolverine right next to you? Quote2
Tandy Bowen (Earth-616) from Marvel Fanfare Vol 1 19 001
Quote1 They can't see anything in there unless I let them. It's the Darkforce Dimension. Quote2
Spider-Island: Cloak & Dagger Vol 1 1
Tandy Bowen (Earth-616) from Marvel Fanfare Vol 1 19 001
Quote1 Is this-- is this what it's like? The darkness, I mean... Quote2
Marvel Fanfare Vol 1 19 Back
Quote1 Sometimes. Quote2
Tandy Bowen (Earth-616) from Marvel Fanfare Vol 1 19 001
Quote1 I don't think I can't handle this... Quote2
Marvel Fanfare Vol 1 19 Back
Quote1 You can. You will Quote2
Tandy Bowen (Earth-616) from Marvel Fanfare Vol 1 19 001
Quote1 How? How did you?. Quote2
Marvel Fanfare Vol 1 19 Back
Quote1 Well, I was very lucky... I never had to do it alone. Quote2
Spider-Island: Cloak & Dagger Vol 1 3
DaggerQuote1 We're immune to your poisons now. Quote2
CloakQuote1 And we can be anywhere. In the shadows. In the light. We'll be here. Quote2
DaggerQuote1 And we'll be watching. Quote2
Spider-ManQuote1 Niiiice. Is that whole thing the new catchphrase? Quote2
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 4 8

All items (18)
