Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Robert Rider (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 Rich -- how many lives have you saved since you first got these incredible powers and became Nova? ... How many, Rich? Ten? A hundred? A thousand? Millions? Entire races of beings? Enter planets of races and species? Entire systems filled with planets -- are you getting the point, big brother? I lost a finger, Rich -- for crying out loud -- I lost a stupid, little pinky finger! All it means is that I'll have to learn to work my computer keyboard a little differently, that's all. I'll gladly give a finger for every life you can save. Then we'll work on my toes, then my limbs, finish with some major organs -- Don't you get it -- ? You're more important than I am, Rich -- you matter more than I do! Quote2
New Warriors Vol 1 39
Quote1 It appears at least one stone remains on Earth. Quote2
Infinity Wars: Infinity Vol 1 1
Gloria Rider (Earth-616) from Nova Vol 4 2 001
Gloria Rider
Quote1 Robbie... what are you still doing out here? Quote2
Robert Rider (Earth-616) from Infinity Wars Infinity Vol 1 1 001
Quote1 I wanted the power to go back... fix things. Quote2
Wolverine: Infinity Watch Vol 1 4

All items (3)
