Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Remy LeBeau (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 Hasn't been your night, eh, chère? Or maybe it has -- considering how often I am here to rescue you. Quote2
Uncanny X-Men Vol 1 266
Quote1 Step right up, then -- follow the spinning staff -- take your best shot -- if you dare! Quote2
Uncanny X-Men Vol 1 267
Quote1 For the record now, just to make this official: ... bang... you dead! Quote2
Uncanny X-Men Vol 1 273
Quote1 The gentleman assumes the pot is his to win... but I have a literal ace up my sleeve. Quote2
X-Men Vol 2 5
Quote1 But I'm willin' t'take the risk for you... you willin' t'do the same for me? Quote2
X-Men Vol 2 24
Quote1 It's true... you're alive, chérie... you are alive. Bella Donna! My wife... my love. Quote2
Gambit Vol 1 2
Quote1 Every part a' the man I was says I should push my bo-staff through your thick skull -- but the problem with dat solution -- is that I'd be givin' you -- exactly what you want! Quote2
X-Men Vol 2 38
Quote1 I be the thief, chere......and there you go off stealin' my heart. Can't be keepin' any promises p'tite. If dis thing involves you and's got to involve me! Quote2
Rogue Vol 1 2
Quote1 Admit it, mon ami, we actu'ly make a pretty good team... when we ain't tryin' t'kill each other. Quote2
X-Men Vol 2 47
Quote1 I don't get it. His original wings were amputated! It is possible dey could...grow back? Quote2
Uncanny X-Men Vol 1 338
Quote1 Been a while, no? Bonjour, Rogue. Quote2
X-Men Vol 2 81
Quote1 Miracle? No thanks, jus' performed one. Quote2
Gambit Vol 3 3
Quote1 Come wit' me if you want to live. Quote2
Gambit Vol 3 6
Quote1 Cable's pulling out de heavy hardware jus' to make sure we ain't gettin' in dere b'fore he has a chance to kill Stryfe. Quote2
Gambit & Bishop Vol 1 4
Quote1 The X-Men are heroes. I'm a thief. Quote2
X-Treme X-Men Vol 1 4
Quote1 Forget the evidence. Dis is the one time you gotta trust your instincts. What d'you say? Quote2
X-Treme X-Men Vol 1 7
Quote1 I'm... I'm not doin' this because I hate the X-Men. I'm doin' this because... I love the X-Men. Quote2
X-Men Vol 2 184
Quote1 You can fool an honest man like Scott, Professor. But you can't fool a thief. It's like dat trick where you shuffe the ace of spades into a deck and it keeps finding its way back to the top. You keep coming back here. To these people. You asked Cyclops to define himself without the X-Men, Professor. You want to take the test yourself? Quote2
X-Men: Legacy Vol 1 212
Quote1 I got no problem wit' thieves, Redhand. Some of my best friends are in de profession. But dey know when to stop. Quote2
X-Men: Legacy Vol 1 223
Quote1 This place, it preys on the weak. It wants to corrupt them. Kill them... It tests them. So that only the strong survive. This place, this is where I belong. This place, it's mine now. And it's time to hunt. Quote2
X-Men: Hellbound Vol 1 2
Quote1 Relax Darling'. I wrested alligators before I could write my own name. This just feels like goin' home. Quote2
Gambit Vol 5 8
Quote1 I hereby call this enclave of the Thieves' Guild to order. First order a' business? As your new Guildmaster-- I got a few ideas on what's next... Quote2
Gambit Vol 5 17
Quote1 Sorry, chere, ain't got time for pleasantries. Kinda in a spot of trouble at the moment. I'm in Manhattan, and I heard tell that you guys are too these days. Quote2
X-Men: Gold Vol 2 4
Quote1 Look around. This is literal paradise... how can things not get better in a place like this? Can we not enjoy it just a little bit? It's maybe not the best and easiest mission we've ever been on, but it definitely could be worse. Quote2
Rogue & Gambit Vol 1 1
Quote1 Don't take this the wrong way, Rogue, but there was something deeply satisfying about punching the Hell outta old versions of you and me. Quote2
Rogue & Gambit Vol 1 3
Quote1 Rogue. Never use "last" wit' us. Quote2
Rogue & Gambit Vol 1 4
Quote1 You want to break into a diplomat's plane over international waters to steal from a dead woman? Quote2
X-Men: Red Vol 1 6
Quote1 "There might be others after it." Like... the Imperial Guard, p'haps? I'm gonna murder Kitty. Quote2
Mr. and Mrs. X Vol 1 1
Quote1 I feel like Kitty is trolling us. Makin' us babysit an egg on our honeymoon. This ain't s'posed to be some high school health class project. Quote2
Mr. and Mrs. X Vol 1 2
Quote1 I honestly cannot remember the last time we caught a break. Quote2
Mr. and Mrs. X Vol 1 4
Quote1 I know you, and after what happened you're gon' try and push me away as hard as you can. And with dat super-strength of yours, it'll be real hard. And I'm telling ya right now. I'm not havin' it. Quote2
Mr. and Mrs. X Vol 1 5
Quote1 We don' have any more parties... not for ten years, at least. Quote2
Mr. and Mrs. X Vol 1 6
Quote1 Ah got a myst'ry t' solve. An' you know how Ah love myst'ries. Quote2
Gambit Vol 6 1
Quote1 It's okay, chère. We have things we need to discuss... but savin' the world comes first. Quote2
Rogue & Gambit Vol 2 3
Quote1 Don't worry 'bout dat, mon ami...You just tell he can find his old friend Candra. Quote2
X-Men Unlimited Infinity Comic Vol 1 129
Quote1 The boys are Oliver, Lucifer, and Figaro...Oliver is the gray one, Figaro is white, and Lucifer is orange. Quote2
Figaro (Cat) (Earth-616)
Quote1 The boys are Oliver, Lucifer, and Figaro...Oliver is the gray one, Figaro is white, and Lucifer is orange. Quote2
Lucifer (Cat) (Earth-616)
Quote1 The boys are Oliver, Lucifer, and Figaro...Oliver is the gray one, Figaro is white, and Lucifer is orange. Quote2
Oliver (Cat) (Earth-616)
Quote1 The gentleman assumes the pot is his to win... but I have a literal ace up my sleeve. Quote2
Remy LeBeau (Earth-616)
Scott Summers (Earth-616) from X-Men Annual Vol 2 1 cover
Quote1 That, sir, is no way to treat a lady. Quote2
Remy LeBeau (Earth-616) from Gambit Vol 5 9 001
Quote1 Or Rogue neither, hein? Quote2
X-Force Vol 6 13 Beast Timeless Variant
Quote1 My, o, my, talk about a man who loves to live dangerously. Quote2
X-Men Vol 2 1
Scott Summers (Earth-616) from X-Men Annual Vol 2 1 cover
Quote1 I believe you people have something that belongs to us? Quote2
GambitQuote1 Short li'l fella. Quote2
Jubilation Lee (Earth-616) from X-Men Vol 2 7 001
Quote1 All adamantium and attitude. He's one of a kind. We'd like him back. Quote2
X-Force Vol 6 13 Beast Timeless Variant
Quote1 And don't forget our resident psionic Japanese-by-way-of-Britain ninja warrior. You can imagine how hard they are to replace! Quote2
X-Men Vol 2 7
No Image Female
Quote1 Sorry, sir, this is a non-smoking flight. Quote2
GambitQuote1 The whole way...? Quote2
No Image Female
Quote1 The whole way. Quote2
Wolverine/Gambit: Victims Vol 1 1
WolverineQuote1 I was just wondering' if either of us'll find a woman to settle down with. Quote2
GambitQuote1 I t'ink mebbe people like us aren't meant for dat. Quote2
Wolverine/Gambit: Victims Vol 1 4
GambitQuote1 I need you. Quote2
Sekmeht Conoway (Earth-616) from Gambit Vol 3 12 001
Sekmeht Conoway
Quote1 Pinch me, I must be dreaming. Quote2
GambitQuote1 Might just turn out to be your worst nightmare, chere. Quote2
Gambit Vol 3 12
CourierQuote1 Stop looking at me like that! Quote2
GambitQuote1 Like what? Quote2
CourierQuote1 Like I would be looking at me if it weren't me I was looking at. Quote2
GambitQuote1 I'm confused. Quote2
CourierQuote1 Me, too. Update, please. Quote2
Gambit Vol 3 14
DeathQuote1 He's lost his mind. Quote2
Gazer (Earth-616) from X-Men Vol 2 183
Quote1 Treacherous words, Horseman. Quote2
DeathQuote1 The truth. Apocalypse taught me that Death speaks the truth. And I am... without doubt... Death... Quote2
X-Men Vol 2 186
MODOKQuote1 I did not realize you, too, were a so-called 'super hero.' Quote2
Remy LeBeauQuote1 Me?! Not even close! I'm just an honest man living in a dishonest world. Quote2
Gambit: From the Marvel Vault Vol 1 1
GambitQuote1 Very clever, Lorna. Quote2
PolarisQuote1 Well, clever is my middle name. Quote2
GambitQuote1 Really? Quote2
PolarisQuote1 No, it's Sally, actually. Quote2
GambitQuote1 Your initials are LSD? Quote2
PolarisQuote1 Explains a lot, doesn't it? Quote2
All-New X-Factor Vol 1 15

All items (48)
