Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Julie Power (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 Uh...listen Katie! remember how worried we were that you might disintigrate something accidentally? Well... you know that pink teddy bear you used to have...? Quote2
Power Pack Vol 1 6
Quote1 I wonder if any monsters'll show up at this game! Remember what happened when Gramps took us to the aquarium! Quote2
Power Pack Vol 1 13
Quote1 Let's see ... you got my power and I got Jack's power and Jack got Alex's power and Alex got your power! What a mess! Quote2
Power Pack Vol 1 25
Quote1 You did the best you could and I appreciate that. But this is my choice. I'm tired of living a lie. I need to be free. Quote2
The Loners Vol 1 1
Quote1 All super heroes have secrets. Even ex-super heroes. Quote2
The Loners Vol 1 4
Quote1 We can't fight Doom without a plan. He's too powerful. Quote2
Runaways Vol 5 8
Quote1 I want to break you out of prison. Quote2
Future Foundation Vol 1 1
Quote1 All super heroes have secrets. Even ex-super heroes. Quote2
Julie Power (Earth-616)
unnamed Snark thugQuote1 ... as surely as Maraud will rip your powers from your souls when we arrive on Snarkworld! Quote2
Alexander Power (Earth-616) from Power Pack Vol 2 1 0001
Quote1 Snarkworld! Oh, no! I said I'd practice with Allison tonight! She'll think I stood her up! Quote2
JulieQuote1 Allison ...!?! How can you even think about Allison at a time like this? Quote2
Power Pack Vol 1 22
Jack Power (Earth-616) from FF Vol 1 15 cover
Quote1 Nobody around! So it's... Quote2
Julie and JackQuote1 Clobberin' Time! Quote2
Julie Power (Earth-616) from Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z Update Vol 1 4 0001
Quote1 Ha! Quote2
Jack Power (Earth-616) from FF Vol 1 15 cover
Quote1 Whadda ya do, read minds? Quote2
Julie Power (Earth-616) from Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z Update Vol 1 4 0001
Quote1 Don't have to read minds, Jerk! You're my brother! Quote2
Power Pack Vol 1 28
Julie Power (Earth-616) from Avengers Academy Vol 1 37
Quote1 I am not talking about my love life with you. I am not kissing a girl while you watch. And I am done with your obnoxious, pervy-- Quote2
Striker (Avengers Academy) (Earth-616)
Quote1 I think I'm gay too. Quote2
Avengers Academy Vol 1 23

All items (11)
