Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Gabriel Jones (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 Ya know, it's a funny thing... but Aryan heads smack together with the same sound as non-Aryan ones! There's probably a moral there somwhere, if I could just figure it out! Oh, well... Quote2
Sgt. Fury Vol 1 29
Quote1 Man, I don't believe it! Jasper in the middle of the ocean with a good-lookin' chick! Quote2
Iron Man Vol 1 1
Quote1 Y'know, Dum-Dum, you take the cake. Here we are chasing Godzilla and a zillion-foot tall man-ape and you scoff at something only a few feet bigger than a gorilla. Quote2
Godzilla Vol 1 11
Quote1 Now are you gonna play the Hero? Or be one? Quote2
Incredible Hulk Vol 2 109
Quote1 Ya know, it's a funny thing... but Aryan heads smack together with the same sound as non-Aryan ones! There's probably a moral there somewhere, if I could just figure it out! Oh, well... Quote2
Gabriel Jones (Earth-616)
Gabriel Jones (Earth-616) from Strange Tales Vol 1 139 001
Gabe Jones
Quote1 What if our plan doesn't work? Quote2
Timothy Dugan (Earth-616) from Strange Tales Vol 1 139 001
Dum-Dum Dugan
Quote1 If it doesn't, I hope your insurance is all paid up, Mr. Jones! Quote2
Gabriel Jones (Earth-616) from Strange Tales Vol 1 139 001
Gabe Jones
Quote1 What insurance, Mr. Dugan? You know that no insurance company would give a policy to a S.H.I.E.L.D. man! There's only one thing we won't die of -- and that's old age! Quote2
Strange Tales Vol 1 139

All items (7)
