Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Dorrek VII (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 So... after all these millenia the infernal Kree have sent another emissary to the world called Earth! But why? Surely that puny globe is too insignificant to deserve their scrutiny... just as it is beneath the notice of us... the mighty Skrulls! Quote2
Captain Marvel Vol 1 2
Quote1 Tell the priests of the sciences to get to work. They know what to do. Tell them no matter how long it takes -- I'll wait. Quote2
New Avengers: Illuminati Vol 2 1
Quote1 So... after all these millennia the infernal Kree have sent another emissary to the world called Earth! But why? Surely that puny globe is too insignificant to deserve their scrutiny... just as it is beneath the notice of us... the mighty Skrulls! Quote2
Dorrek VII (Earth-616)
Dorrek VII (Earth-616) from New Avengers Illuminati Vol 2 1 001
Emperor Dorrek
Quote1 Mar-Vell--once the greatest fighting-man of all the Kree-- of late, an exile himself--because he opposes the will of the usurper Ronan. Quote2
Anelle (Earth-616) from Young Avengers Vol 1 11 001
Princess Anelle
Quote1 If he hates Ronan, he must be a good man indeed. Quote2
Avengers Vol 1 94

All items (4)
