Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Aquaria Neptunia (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 A monarch of Atlantis also stands with you. If you lead us into Hell, then the Devil will face NAMORA. Quote2
Agents of Atlas Vol 1 4
Quote1 I come down here sometimes to think of her. And wonder. Why Triton brought me back just when Namorita was taken. Why I had to spend decades under ice when she needed me. I could have trained her properly. I could have kept her from...from...I could have stopped that bastard from blowing her up... I could have... Why...why couldn't I have seen her one last time...? Why... Quote2
Agents of Atlas Vol 2 3
Quote1 There, mighty hunters! Go after your prey in their environment! I grant you complete freedom to hunt like this. I'll see you all below. Quote2
Avengers vs. Atlas Vol 1 1
Quote1 ...Even for me, it's still hard to believe that this is happening. Hard to believe that we're traveling the world -- telling people that Hercules is dead. Quote2
Hercules: Fall of an Avenger Vol 1 1
Quote1 A monarch of Atlantis also stands with you. If you lead us into Hell, then the Devil will face Namora. Quote2
Aquaria Neptunia (Earth-616)
HerculesQuote1 Just a moment, Namor...I know the Amazon queen, lovely Hippolyta, once upon a time we were...friendly. Quote2
NamoraQuote1 Friendly? Quote2
HerculesQuote1 A gentleman never kisses and tells. Quote2
NamoraQuote1 Suddenly you're a gentleman? Quote2
Incredible Hercules Vol 1 122

All items (6)
