Marvel Database

Appearing in "The Trap!"

Featured Characters:

  • Colonial Warriors
    • Commander Adama
    • Colonel Tigh
    • Captain Apollo
    • Lieutenant Athena
    • Lieutenant Boomer (only his Viper is seen returning to the Galactica)
    • Lieutenant Starbuck
  • Cassiopea

Supporting Characters:

  • Council of Twelve
    • Sire Uri
    • Councilmember Payne (First appearance)
  • Master-Tech Shadrack
  • Ilya (appears in Memory Inducer flashback)


  • Lucifer
  • Cylons

Other Characters:

  • Eurayle
  • Slug (First appearance)


  • Caprica (appears in Memory Inducer flashback)
  • The Void
    • Scavenge World


  • Colonial Blaster
  • Memory Inducer
  • Fumarello (cigar)


  • Colonial Fleet
    • Battlestar Galactica
  • Vipers
  • Cylon Base Star
    • Cylon Raiders

Synopsis for "The Trap!"

Three Colonial Vipers return to the Galactica. Starbuck has to share his cockpit with Eurayle, queen of Scavenge World. She reminds him that when Athena tried to stop her, Eurayle used her mind powers to send bolts of electricities at Athena, knocking her out. For some reason, she can't control Starbuck, which is why he fascinates her so much. Starbuck wonders what will happen when the fascination dies.

During a conference of the Council of Twelve, Colonel Tigh states that they cannot comply with Eurayle's demand to receive Starbuck in exchange for her helping Commander Adama. Sire Uri disagrees. Starbuck walks away disheartened, having to make up his own mind. Meanwhile, The Vipers of Orange patrol are attacked by Cylon Raiders and hurry to warn the Galactica.

After talking with Apollo, Starbuck goes to say goodbye to at least three different women: Athena, Saphire and Cassiopea, all of whom he tells that they're the only one he ever really loved. Then a priorty alert goes off and Starbuck hurries to the bridge. Tigh informs him that the Cylons are closing in and Starbuck tells Eurayle that he accepts her deal.

The Cylons have located the Colonial fleet in a large sargasso in the center of the void. Lucifer is in command of three Cylon Base Stars and orders a concentrated attack. The inhabitants of Scavenge World get very excited at the prospect of obtaining Cylon 'spare parts' as they man their weapons. Eurayle prepares to use her mind-probe powers to free Adama from the Memory Machine. Inside the machine, Adama is reliving a peaceful picnic with his late wife, Ilya. But the memory turns into a nightmare when Cylon Raiders attack Caprica.

The Galactica leads the Cylon Raiders into a trap at Scavenge World, where the first squadron is destroyed by the Scavenger's guns. But Galactica's level D, where the Memory Machine is located, has also been damaged by enemy fire and it's life support systems are shorting out. Inside the machine, Adama watches Ilya falling down an endless tunnel and ends up in space during the Cylon attack on Caprica.

Master-Tech Shadrack tells Apollo that he's finished converting all of the fleets ship to light-speed capabilities and has them tucked behind Scavenge World. But two Cylon Baseships have snuck up on them from behind and are now attacking the ships, tearing many of them apart. Uri wants to order an immediate retreat, but Tigh won't have it. Apollo tells Eurayle to try to reach his father before life-support gives out completely. She sends Adama images of the fleet being attacked by the Baseships. Adama becomes resolute that he will not let anybody else die. The Memory Machine explodes and Adama walks out, unharmed and resolved.

Mere centons later, Adama joins Tigh on the bridge and assumes command of the Galactica. He orders all Vipers to be launched to defend the fleet. When Lucifer is informed that the Vipers have joined the battle, he tells his Centurion to contact the third baseship and execute plan Beta. This ship was held in reserve, but now it is on a direct collision course to ram the Galactica.

This story is continued next issue...


  • Plot by McKenzie and Simonson, script by McKenzie.
  • On page three, panel six, 'fascination' is misspelled as 'facination'

See Also

Links and References

